I ran off with my sister, Mother and Grandmother for a relaxing, yet re-affirming trip to Savannah a few weekends ago.
The whole trip started off with a long , slow ride up there. It was a sweet , blessing, where I found a part of my life that I missed- the idea of finding. We stopped in Yullee, a small down just above Jacksonville that had this amazing antique store. It was a palette of perfection- all of the vintage pieces were arranged by color and I found myself inspired by the juxtaposition of colors to forms to functionality. Within all of that though, there is this idea of life. I found a dresser full of old tin photographs which just mesmerized me. It made me think of the lives that past and especially of the one I was quickly sliding through. Yet at the same time, I found visions the future in a small , white baby dress from the 1950s, which I hope will adorn the back of one of my babies one day.
The rest of the weekend was a chance of re-discovery. I was consumed into southern culture, my culture. The idea of gentility , grace and hospitality. This was evident in the history of the buildings as well as the stories which ever so swiftly flowed from the mouth of my dear sweet grandmother. The whole weekend, I found myself consumed with the idea of past, present and future as it seemed to surround me. These thoughts forced me to deal with life and in returned turn my artistic eye into much more of a realist. Everytime I went to capture an image, I couldn't help but try to find the idea of balance, form, repetition- anything that makes sense. Anything that would help me make sense of me.Then , in the mix of it all I met miraculous people. The beauty of the south is that people are welcoming. They are careful, strong, proud and most of all welcoming. I felt at home in this small town as I met some of it's residents and heard their stories. The kind of stories that connect you to the other and make you feel a little bit more alive.
Life is full of goodness- simple goodness. The past , present and future is full of goodness. People are good.
This is what life is all about.