Wednesday, January 6, 2010

takes saying goodbye to grow

Today, I am starting to tell people about my plans.

And for the first time in my entire life, I am seeing how real life is. How people can make connections and share their experiences. I am teary, scared, but talking to dear friends, I know I have to do this. I have been checked out of life for a very long time. Its time to check into people, to caring, to living a life that I can be proud of when I am 100.

Todays the day.

I have alot of work to do.

I can't wait.

3 minutes-


they did it and so can i

life will happen without me

i need to take the reigns



documentary photography


being half of me

living for the first time

really really living

fighting for myself

take the leap

good music

great conversations and great laughter

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

saying goodbye

life .

oh life..

regret. life. change.

ugh ugh ugh.

this last month has been revolutionary. i lost a great love, went into a deep depression and now i am moving. cutting off all of the cords and jumping feet first into change. at first, this change liberated me. now, i am terrified. I am leaving comfort- stability, solitude, friendship, safety-

for what?

for possibility.

for the chance to final be free of fear, regret, lonliness-

and finally on the road to where my heart knows i belong.

3 minutes of mindfulness

it has to get better
i need God
Good needs me
great love
have to do this even if it hurts
time its over due